Home Anti Ageing 15 Best Tips To Take Care Of Dry Skin (DIY Methods)

15 Best Tips To Take Care Of Dry Skin (DIY Methods)

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Dried, scratchy, and dull-looking cracked skin needs extra attention and care. Whether it is wintertime or summer, humid or dry, moisturizing alone might not be enough to keep skin hydrated. But do not panic; we have included several tips for dry skin right here. In addition, a few easy techniques to boost your skin’s moisture-locking capacity will help you achieve softer, suppler, and more radiant skin. Continue reading to learn the 15 finest techniques and home remedies to treat dry skin. Keep scrolling.

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15 Best Tips To Take Care Of Dry Skin

1. Use Warm Water

We seldom pay attention to the water temperature while showering or washing our faces. But the water temperature plays a significant role in keeping your skin hydrated. Use lukewarm water instead of hot water to bathe and wash your face. Lukewarm water will keep your skin from drying further.

2. Use A Fragrance-Free Cleanser


Cleansers with fragrances contain harsh chemicals that can irritate your skin. Use a gentle, fragrance-free cleanser for your body and face. Such a product preserves natural skin moisture.

Related: 8 Natural Cleansers For Clear Skin

3. Use Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is loaded with fatty acids (1). It helps hydrate the skin and seals moisture into the skin. It softens and smoothens skin too. Apply coconut oil right after taking a shower or before going to bed at night.

Related: Benefits Of Coconut Oil For The Skin

4. Use An Oatmeal Moisturizer

If you have dry, itchy, and sensitive skin, switch to an oatmeal moisturizer. Oatmeal moisturizers help soothe and calm irritated and inflamed skin (2). They also help protect the skin from UV rays and reduce redness.

5. Use Aloe Vera Gel


Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and skin-moisturizing properties. Applying aloe vera gel to your face after toning will help soothe and nourish your skin. Massage the aloe vera gel for 5 minutes in a circular motion. Wait for 10 minutes before applying a moisturizer. Aloe vera-infused gloves and socks also help improve skin integrity and reduce dryness (3), (4), (5).

Related: Using Aloe Vera For Dark Spots On Your Skin: Tips And Precautions

6. Apply Avocado Mask

Avocados are loaded with vitamin E, a potent antioxidant and skin moisturizer (6), (7). Using an avocado face pack can also boost skin health and reduce dryness. Mash ½ an avocado, add 1 tablespoon olive oil, and 1 tablespoon milk. Mix well and apply the mask to your face and neck. Wait for 20 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water. Do this two to three times a week.

Stylecraze SaysBuy skin care products with humectants, occlusives, and emollients. Humectants moisturize, occlusives prevent moisture loss, and emollients help with barrier repair.

7. Apply Hyaluronic Acid Serum

You can also keep your skin hydrated, plump, and luminous by using a hyaluronic acidXA naturally occuring substance that works as a lubricant in body tissues and used externally for cosmetic purposes. serum. Dry skin is prone to look aged faster, especially because the sebaceous glands are not producing enough oils to keep your skin wrinkle-free and plump. Hyaluronic acid is known for its water-retaining capacity (8). You can use it (with or without glycerin) during the daytime before applying moisturizer, sunscreen, and makeup.

8. Avoid Using Anti-Aging Products

Anti-aging products are a strict no for dry skin. However, if you are using any, ensure they are free of retinoids or AHAsXA group of naturally occurring acids used in skin care products for their action as exfoliants and skin rejuvenators. as they may irritate dry skin (9), (10).

9. Exfoliate Regularly


Dry and peeling skin can feel itchy and further irritating. An easy way to get rid of the flaky skin is to exfoliate it. Use a gentle scrub or chemical peels like mandelic acidXA type of AHA that works against acne by regulating sebum production and reducing inflammation. to get rid of the top dead and dry skin layers. Here are a few good exfoliators for dry skin you can check.

10. Add Oils To Your Bath

Do you like to dip your tired body in a lukewarm water bath with bath salts? Then consider adding your favorite body oil to your bath the next time. That way, your skin will remain moisturized and hydrated. You also will be able to get rid of the dead skin much easily.

11. Protect Your Skin From The Sun

Exposing dry skin to the sun can aggravate the problem. The sun’s harmful UV rays accelerate skin aging and lead to the premature appearance of wrinkles and fine lines (11). Apply an SPF 50 sunscreen to your exposed skin before you step out. Wear a scarf, a broad brim hat, a cap, and sunglasses to protect your face.

12. Apply Lip Balm


Dry skin is not restricted to the cheeks, nose, or forehead alone. Your lips can also become dry and develop cracks. Take care of your lips by applying a moisturizing lip balm or lip oil. You can also apply a mixture of honey and coconut oil as a lip mask every day for treating dry lips.

13. Use Oil-Based Makeup

Water-based makeup is not meant for dry skin. It may contain ingredients like dimethicone that could further dry your skin out. Use makeup from foundations and eyeshadows, and blushes, and lipsticks that are cream-based or oil-based. Dry skin can always do with that extra hydration infused in these makeup products. The right makeup products also prevent any dry patches or skin peeling. Such products leave your skin with a healthy glow and a dewy finish.

14. Stay Hydrated

You must stay hydrated, and more so if you have dry skin. Drink 8 glasses of water per day (or more if you workout or live in hot climate conditions). Consume watermelons, oranges, muskmelons, celeries, cucumbers, and tomatoes to provide your body with the right nutrients and antioxidants that keep your skin protected and nourished.

15. Take Omega-3s And Vitamin E

Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E supplements are loaded with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (7), (12). These supplements can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body, thereby reducing skin dryness too (13), (14). Talk to your doctor to determine the dosage and frequency.

SubscribeStylecraze SaysInclude foods like salmon, herring, soybeans, chia seeds, and walnuts in your diet to increase omega-3 intake and maintain skin health.


These are the 15 tips to take care of your dry skin. While these can help reduce skin dryness, especially in winters, is there anything else you can do? Yes. Keep reading.

How To Add Extra Moisture During Winters


  • Avoid products with salicylic acid. Salicylic acidXA type of beta-hydroxy acid that has scientifically found to help unclog pores and reduce acne.  is a common ingredient in face washes. But it has a skin-tightening and -drying effect on dry or combination to dry skin (15). Use a gentle face wash that does not contain salicylic acid.
  • Avoid products with retinoids. Sun exposure, aging, and genetics can cause hyperpigmentation and the appearance of dark spots. Products with retinoids help fade away the dark spots. But retinoids could be extremely drying (16). Avoid them if you have dry, sensitive, and/or combination to dry skin.
  • Avoid using toners. Most toners tend to absorb oils and may leave your skin drier.
  • Use a room humidifier. Winters are cold and dry. A great way to keep your skin from flaking and cracking is to use a room humidifier.
  • Apply olive and coconut oils. Apart from using an oatmeal moisturizer, you can also apply olive or coconut oils to your face and body. Allow the oil(s) to soak into your skin and wipe away the excess oil with a damp, soft washcloth.
  • Apply a banana mask. Mash ½ a banana and apply it to your face or use a readymade banana mask to add extra hydration to your skin.
  • Get some exercise. Sweating helps keep the skin healthy and glowing. Get some exercise outdoors or at the gym.
  • Consume seasonal fruits and veggies. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are extremely good for your health, skin, and hair. Stock your kitchen with fresh fruits and veggies and consume them to get your skin glowing naturally.

Dry and itchy skin needs additional care and love all year round. Trying out simple tips for dry skin such as washing your face with fragrance-free face washes and using moisturizers with natural ingredients such as oatmeal and avocado will keep your skin hydrated, smooth, and soft. What must also be kept in mind is to avoid using products rich in retinoids and salicylic acid as they tend to absorb all the oil and leave your skin dry and flaky. Along with a simple skincare routine, eating fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly will add to the glow on your skin.

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